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E.M. "Mac" Swengel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Education
School of Education
United States International University
San Diego, California

Original Schoolhouse

Schoolhouse Remodeled for
Swengel/Creason Family Home

T H E   P L A I N S T O N   C H R O N I C L E S

Educator, Joan Larimore

As an educator in a public school classroom for thirty years, then working with school districts as a consultant, a certified drug and alcohol prevention specialist, certified ESL instructor, early childhood education specialist, and a long time advocate of common sense changes in public education, picking up Dr. Edwin M. Swengel’s book, “The Plainston Chronicles” was an exercise in “Ho hum, what new little bandaid twist will we hear about now?!”

What a surprise to find myself deeply engrossed right from the author’s “regret” page! Not only is Dr. Swengel’s style lyrical, but it hit very close to home as I recognized techniques I have used in primary classes.

Disenchantment with rigid curriculum over the years caused me to gradually train students to be partners in their learning. As the characters in the book discovered, children are capable of far more than we think and they were soon helping each other and discussing tutoring skills.

True learning accelerated, children learned skills in many areas, and discipline problems disappeared. This technique left me with time to work individually with students. Did I call it "family-style" learning? No, but that’s what it was.

Is this book “pie in the sky”? Definitely not, as it worked miracles in my classrooms. Hopefully many school administrators, teachers, and parents will read and enjoy this book and call for changes. I heartily encourage the discovery of this book!

Teacher, Beau Randt

Dr. Swengel has written a compelling “treatise” (in story form) on education in our country over a period of time, 1919 through 1951, in the central plains of the U.S.

First, I wish I had read this before my practice teaching in the public school systems. It explores concepts of teaching that are so sensible and attentive to the sensitivities of young students one must ask why this is not being done now... in all the schools?

This delightful and enlightening work should be required reading for teaching candidates. If you had told me I would be reading two volumes on education last month, I probably wouldn't have believed you. The writing is enticing and joyful as he spins the stories of his characters. Dr. Swengel draws the reader further and further into the dramas of Plainston. But be forewarned … Volume I leads to Volume II!

Dr Swengel's powers as an educator and his skills as a crafter of stories are both evident. By the end of Volume II, I was thoroughly engrossed in the educational evolution of Plainston. It is clear Dr. Swengel's "research" in creating this work was a lifetime of love for education and what it gives us as a society. It is a work with many levels and a power of inspiration.

Yes, there is a Volume III [Conspiracy]. Yes, I'll be reading it.”

Dr. Edwin M. Swengel & Jane Swengel Creason


Over the last 40+ years I have met a few very special individuals who have shared their vision of an ideal future world and how to create it. I have shared a few myself. What "Conspiracy" and its authors have done is to go beyond a partial vision and solution and put forth an overall solution, adaptable to any culture, that addresses the underlying factors that, when properly handled, will naturally create an ideal scene as time goes by. Although fictional, the story is realistic enough that its ideas could be put into effect by those who share the vision and have a purpose to create it. Given today's world filled with multitudinous global challenges, this book has been released at a critical time. It is both stabilizing and entertaining--a recommended book for inhabitants of Earth. Thank you Edwin and Jane, for your vision and ability to bring the vision to life.

This is a wonderful book about an educational system that should be implemented.  All three of Dr. Swengel's books need to be read and studied and absorbed by all intelligent educators--and for that matter by all parents, too! 


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